Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thankful Thursday

What a wonderful thing to focus on what you are thankful for.

Today, I am thankful for:

1. My little mister finally producing his signature smile tonight and giggling several times at his daddy.
It's been so hard to see him sick. Poor punkin.

2. The Miss' nighttime routine where I sing to her, You Are My Sunshine, pray with her and do a few other things. It always ends with her kissing my cheek and hollering to me that she loves me. It's too precious.

3. The Mr. Coffee pot that was on sale at Wal-Mart because having a yummy cup of coffee each morning really will make a difference.

4. Beth Moore's Bible studies...really and truly. What a blessing they are. What a blessing she is!!

5. The Women's Bible study group I recently became a part of. What an amazing group of gals.

6. Digital cameras. I couldn't imagine life without them.

7. Scrapbooking and my Creative Memories Consultant friend who makes it so much easier by allowing me the use of all of her stuff.

8. 4WD. It really has made a difference this winter with all of the snowstorms and such.

9. Having a home....Having Heat.....Having 2 cars.....Having two children.....Having a dishwasher....Having a Washer and dryer......Having clothes.....Having a kitchen full of food.....Really and truly I am soooo thankful and blessed.

10. I know I have said this a few times now, but I am so thankful for my friend, Tiffany. She is helping me through some things right now and she prays for me when I ask her to. We can laugh together, cry together and just chill together. She truly is a blessing in my life. She is also the gal mentioned in numero siete.