Saturday, January 20, 2007

Digital Scrapbooking

So, yesterday, I received my new digital scrapbooking software. I am still a fan of regular scrapbooking, but I thought I'd use the digital stuff to create my faithbook. That way, I can order as many copies of it as I need, to pass down to my children. Anyway, I fiddled with it a little bit last night and for an hour or so today. I am just trying to get a feel for the software and everything. So, I am sure as I continue to work with it, my layouts will improve.

Anyway, here's what I've done so far. These aren't for my faithbook....just stuff I was fiddling around with.

Click on the thumbnails to view at a larger size.

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I used Faith Hope and Love Add-On
Created by ©2006 Beth Nixon

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