Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Weekend Update

Well, folks, on Saturday, it was a lovely 76 degrees and very sunny. In fact, it was hot. Yes, the gal who moved here from Arizona, considers 76 hot. But when the sun is shining, it can be quite warm.
Then on Sunday, the weather took quite a turn, as it was 34 or so degrees and snowy all day long.

And it is now warming up again, and we should be in the 60's and low 70's all week. I tell you what, the weather in this city is something else.

The miss attended a "princess, fairy, necklace" birthday party for Tiff's daughter. Each girl was given a tiara and wand, which all of the girls loved!!! Here's the miss donning hers.

On Sunday, I got into a super cleaning mode and worked my bootie off around my house and then headed to work from 4:00-11:15. So yesterday, I must admit, was a lazy day, as I was recuperating.

I came on my blog today, and saw that I was awarded this wonder woman award:

from sweet miss Jen

Thank you so much for this award. Although, I have many days where I feel like I am not doing as well as a mommy or a Christian or a wife. But I do try, oh I do!
Thank you for recognizing me as a wonder woman. And also know that I couldn't do it at all without God in my life, that's for sure.

And now, I am given the privilege of passing this award on. There were two gals that came to my mind right away...they are:


These two mommies are also military wives and currently, their hubbies are in Iraq serving our country. I have been through a year long tdy that put my hubby in Korea, when my miss was a baby. I know how hard it is to have your hubby away, especially when you have kids.
I know that these mommies are doing all they can to stay strong for their kiddos, at moments when they just want to break down and cry. I know they have gone through children's birthdays and will go through the holidays without their hubbies, and I know how difficult that is.
These gals are amazing women, amazing wives and incredibly amazing moms. Being a military wife is a sacrifice, not only in sacrificing time with their hubbies, but in also putting aside their emotions to make things as perfect as they can be, given the circumstances, for their children.
So, you wonder women, I salute you! :o)