Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quick Sewing Links

I have been loving This site, which started up a handmade holidays section filled with different categories for each day in November. They range from aprons to blankets to organizational items. I have found some great tutorials and ideas. They make me want to run to Joann's to spend a small fortune on fabric and then sit at my sewing machine all day long creating masterpiece after masterpiece. Because in my mind, you see, I am an amazing seamstress., even though, all I have done are 2 quilts and a curtain. I have yet to do anything on my own from a pattern. Yet, I think I can tackle all of these fun projects. I should give it a try though, right? I am now wishing I had bought some of the fabric when I was at Joann's for their day after Thanksgiving sale. They had their fabric selling for crazy cheap prices. I was probably the only person there who didn't fill their cart with 25 bolts of flannel, fleece and cotton.

I also found This Great Site, which has been following the handmade holiday projects and then adding even more to the list. So, seriously people check it out. I already want to make a Scarf, a crayon roll, a chenille baby bib, a bunny pillow, and a Baby wipe case

So much fun you guys. You must check those sites out, okay!