Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Miss' Birthday Celebration (In Segments)

So, most of the morning and afternoon is going to be all about the miss. We aren't having a party with friends this year, although one of her old day care buddies will meet up with us at Chuck E. Cheese later, to play.
So, we are just doing a family thing this year. She woke up at 6:00 A.M. to see the kitchen looking like this..... (isn't too too much, but she was thrilled)

And right before leaving for dance class, she got to open a present,from mommy and daddy, which was a box filled with My Little Ponies. She was so excited.

Once she gets back, she can play a bit, then we will have lunch, open presents,play a bit and head to Chuck E. Cheese.
Then we will come back home for her unicorn cake, which My Little Ponies constitute as unicorns to her. She wanted a pink unicorn cake with rainbows and cherries. So, I did the best I could, last night, rushing through it. So I will post more pictures of the festivities later today.