Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In Other Words

"God has delivered us, He has parted waters for us, He has made water gush forth from rocks and sent us our own manna from heaven. He has brought us into our own Promised Land. Will I miss the opportunity to tell the story to our children?
~ Ann Voskamp ~

I must admit, I have been a chicken lately when it comes to doing these...In Other Words. I read the quote each week, become puzzled as to what on Earth I could possibly write and then decide to participate next week instead. Anyway, I think it has been over a month since I last took part in a Tuesday's In Other Words. I decided that I just need to do it. Read the quote and write. If I end up having nothing but rambling nonsense to share, then so be it.

I want to be sure to always share God with my children. I also want to be sure that they know the many ways in which He worked in my life.

Awhile back, I was introduced to faithbooking. It is using scrapbooking to commemorate God moments in your life. I want to make an incredible faithbook to pass on to my children someday. I have been toying with the idea of making it digital so that I will be able to order one for each child. In it, I will share my testimony, stories of times God worked in my life and in the lives of those around me. I will share favorite Bible verses. I will share about my relationship with my hubby. I will share some about special moments the family has shared.

The entire book though will be centered around God and how my life was shaped by Him.

Some resources on faithbooking for you to check out.

Bella Online
This page has various faithbook challenges, different themes. Also lots of great tips and ideas.

Faithbook Starters

Oh, and check out Digital Scrapbook Place
You have to register. But it's free and you get free papers and things to use in your digital scrapbook. I am saving up to buy the $40 digital scrapbook software that allows me to make awesome layouts using papers, embellishments and my own digital pictures. It will be fun. I will use it for my faithbook!