Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Invisible Children

Well, the screening that I helped set up was last night. And it was a small turnout, but it still was great. There were lots of questions afterwards and everyone who went stayed until the end, was very interested and longed to get involved even more. So that was AWESOME!!!

I learned a bunch too. The film was made several years ago. Since that time, peace for the most part has come to Gulu. The LRA does still exist and child abductions still happen, but things are much better.

Invisible Children has helped to put up a school in the region. And they currently have around 500 or so students. It is a high school. They have an application process for both the students and the mentors. Each student has a mentor who is in charge of using the child's school funds for classes, helping the child through school, and working with the family members as well.

And future schools to be built in the area have been asked to model the program set in place by Invisible Children.

Right now, the biggest need in the area is with the displaced camps. Most everyone was placed into camps. And it wasn't like they had buildings set up or anything. It was basically empty space and they were in charge of making their own shelter. There are millions living within these camps in unsanitary conditions. They don't have clean water and they don't have enough food. The World Food Program, in charge right now of bringing them food, has recently cut the amount of food they bring in half. Everyone in the camps are dying at a rate of 2,000 per week. they should be allowed to go home!!!!!!!!

So, on April 28th, Invisible Children is putting together an event called, Displace Me. In 15 cities across the U.S., people will gather for 24 hours. Everyone will bring with them a sealed box of saltines, a sealed bottle of water and cardboard to make a shelter with. The food and water will be handed off to someone in charge upon entrance. And during the 24 hour period, crackers and water will be handed out. This event will give somewhat of an idea as to what it is like to live in a displaced camp.

And during the 24 hour period, there will be events and media where those involved write letters to governors, congress..and so forth explaining what they are doing and asking the US to help those in the displaced camps.

Last year, Invisible children spearheaded a Global Night Commute campaign that was a bit similar where all over the U.S., people commuted for the night to a park..slept outside in groups and got the word out to the White House that there was a problem with the child soldiers in Northern Uganda. Because of that event, those who formed Invisible Children got to talk to members of the White House and the word got out there in the media.

Invisible Children is hoping for even more incredible results with the Displace Me event. Their goal is to have 10,000 people in each city. That would mean a total of 150,000 people displacing themselves for the weekend. That would definitely get the word out within the media.

There is a holocaust happening in Northern Uganda, it's been going on now for 20 years, and today we can do something to help it and to change it.

Here is a video explaining more about Displace Me
World Tour 2007: Displace Me Cities V.2

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This is the site for Invisible Children

And here I am with the Invisible Children Mountain West Road Team who has been on tour since January showing the film.

think about taking part in Displace Me. You will have an opportunity to be a part of something sooo incredible and soooo important!!!