Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So, here are things I would like to accomplish over the next couple of years.

1. Memorize TONS of Bible verses and begin having my oldest memorize Bible Verses.
Here is a fun Site for Memory Verse Crafts

2. Learn how to sew. Take a sewing class. Buy an inexpensive sewing machine. Begin teaching the miss, once she is five, how to sew by having her sew simple patterns for her dolls.

3. Take a cake decorating class at Michael's. Start baking my kid's birthday cakes every year.

4. Teach my Miss how to read.

5. Start and finish the mister's quilt. The one I started preparing strips for in November. Make a larger quilt for the miss.

6. Get organized with the housework. Get some sort of system down and stick with it.

7. Finish The miss' scrapbooks so that I am completely up to date and caught up. Do the Mister's first scrapbook and begin his second one.

8. Create a large bulk of my faithbook.

9. Really become devoted to my prayer time. Spend much more time in prayer.

10. Volunteer at a Children's Hospital.

What 10 things would you like to accomplish over the next couple of years or so?????