Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 7 - Favorite Quote

For me, trying to pick one favorite quote to share, is like trying to pick only one favorite song. It is impossible. I love quotes. I collect quotes. I have notebooks filled with quotes.

So I will share some of the ones that speak to me the most today.

"Begin to weave, and God will give the thread." - German proverb

"Remember, two watermelons cannot be held under one arm." - Turkish proverb

"Calm seas don't make strong captains." - Anonymous

"God knows the secret plan of the things He will do for the world, using my hand." - Toyohiko Kagawa

"Tell Him about the heartache, and tell Him the longings too. Tell Him the baffled purpose when we scarce know what to do. Then leaving all our weakness with the one divinely strong, forget that we bore a burden and carry away a song." - Phillips Brooks


Anonymous said...

I love that last one especially...thanks for that today. :-)